Decree of the Delphic Amphictyony concerning the asylia of the sanctuary of Apollo Ptoios and the Ptoia games.  Stele of blue marble, broken at the top and bottom.
[ ] Boiotia — Akraiphia — Ptoion: Sanct. of Apollo Ptoios (Perdikovrysi) — 3rd/2nd c. BC — IG VII 4135, ll. 1-4 — LSCG (1969) 148, 73 (F. Sokolowski)
See also:
1 [— — — — — — — — — — — — — — πένθ’ ἡμέρα]ς πορευομέ-
οις καὶ ἀπερχομένοις ἄλλας τοσαύ]τ̣ας καὶ <ἕ>ως ἂν ἡ πανήγυ-
[ρις γίνηται καὶ αὐτοῖς καὶ τοῖς] ἀκολούθοις καὶ ἃ ἂν ἔχωσι
[χρήματα πανταχοῦ]· ἐὰν δέ τις [παρὰ] ταῦτα ἄγηι τινὰ ἢ ῥυ-
5 [σιάζηι] ...
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