Painted inscriptions on sherds of a krater.  Seven sherds from a vessel of Rhodian geometric style; texts II-III retrograde.
[ ] Kalymna Isl. — Sanct. of Apollo — Temple of Apollo — early 7th c. BC — M. Segre, Tit. Cal. (1952) 247 — L.H. Jeffery, LSAG (1961) 154; 353-354; 358, 45; 415, 45 — G.N. Koukoules, Hē Kalymna (1980) 424, 269
See also:
frg. a-d.I.1 [— —]ΛΕΝ̣ΑΙC
   {²tauri imago
II.2          Ἀλκιδαμ̣[— —]
frg. g.III quadrupes
Ἀλκιδαμ̣[— —]
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