Honorific inscription for a priest of Apollo Smintheus.  Marble block, broken on the left and at the top.
[ ] Troas — Alexandreia Troas (Daylan, nr.) — Smintheion (Gülpınar), vic. of — 1st c. AD? — J.M. Cook, Troad (1973) 412, 51 — Die Troas. Neue Forschungen II (1996) 112, 15 — SEG 46.1548
See also:
[— — — — — — — —]
[ἱερασά]μενον Ἀπόλλω-
[νος Σμιν]θέος, ἵππωι δημο-
[σίωι τετι]μημένον, ἱερέα
[τῶν Σεβα]σ̣τῶν τὸν προσ-
5 [αγορευόμε]νον φλάμινα.
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