Honorific inscription for Artemeis, daughter of Hermaios.  Cylindrical limestone base, molded at top and bottom.
[ ] Pisidia — Termessos (Güllük Dağı) — Kelbessos (Ahırtaş-Örentepe) — ca. 150 AD (at the latest)? — SEG 53.1609 — Epigr. Forsch. in Termessos IV (2007) 241, 165
1 Ἄρτεμεις̣ Ἑρ̣μ̣[αίου]
Πλαισβου, [ἡ γυνὴ ἱε]-
ρέως Μεγάλο̣[υ Θεοῦ]
Μολεους̣ Ἑ̣ρ̣μ̣[αίου]
5 Τρ(οκονδου) Ἁρμοτεί[μου].
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