Federal boundary stone between the territories of Lebadeia and Koroneia. Cylindrical column of blue limestone, broken at the top; the inscription runs lengthwise.
[ ] Boiotia — Lebadeia and Koroneia, betw. — Granitsa — 4th/3rd c. BC? — BCH 26 (1902) 570 — A. Wilhelm, Neue Beiträge I (1911) 13, III — P. Roesch, Thespies (1965) 61-63
1 [ὅρια τᾶς Τροφ]ωνιάδος γᾶς
[ἱαρᾶς κὴ Λεβα]δειήωμ ποτὶ
[Κορωνεῖας ὡς] Βοιωτοὶ ὥριτταγ
[κὰτ τὰν ὁδὸν τὰ]ν ἐς τᾶμ παγάων
5 [ἄγωσαν ἔττε] ὡς τὰ ἄκρα ὡς ὕ-
[δωρ ῥέει(?) ἐπὶ τ]ὸμ βωμὸν τῶ Δι-
[ὸς τῶ Λαφουστί]ω.
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