Hiereus inscription of Epitynchanon Hekataios Hekatomnos, hiereus of Zeus Osogollis Zenoposeidon, on column; no date; found at Mylasa, text identical with Mylasa 266: Hauvette-Besnault & Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 100, no. 3; *IMylasa 320; **Blümel, EA 16, 1991, 34 (l. 6).  
[ ] IMyl 320
1 Ἐπιτυνχάνων
Ἑκαταῖος ὁ καὶ
Ἑκατόμνως ἱερε-
5 ὺς Διὸς Ὀσογω-
λ̣λ̣ιος Ζηνοπο-
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