Dedication of (statue of) Gaius Iulius Hybreas heros by
Zosimos Philomousou and sons, on marble statue- base; Ie/1;
found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 410, no. 13; SEG 2, 548;
*IMylasa 536.
[ ]
IMyl 536
1 | Γαΐου Ἰουλίου, Λε- |
οντος ἥρωος υἱ- | |
οῦ, Ὑβρέου ἥρωος | |
ἀρχιερέως διὰ γέ- | |
5 | νους καθιέρωσεν |
Ζώσιμος Φιλομού- | |
σου καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτοῦ. |