Heading of transcription of honorary decrees, with beginning of one such decree, mentioning Aulus, on fragment of slab of white marble; Roman; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 758-759 no. 44; *GIBM 793.  
[ ] GIBM 793
See also:
1 vacat σύνγραμμα.
τάδε συνέγραψαν ἀνα̣[—]
τες κατὰ ψάφισμα τὸν̣? [— μηνὸς Βα]-
δρομίω τῶι ἐπε̣[—]
5 λου Αὖλος [—]
φῶντο[ς —]
10 [․․․]ορα̣[—]
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