Dedication to theotes of Emperors, Aphrodeite Gene[teira,]
Senate and Demos of Rome, and citizens, by Marcus Iulius Attalos;
prob. 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 73-74,
no. 2 (PH); SEG 30, 1253; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 867;
*Reynolds, Aphrodisias & Rome, doc. 54 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE
[ ]
Reynolds, Aphr.&Rome 54
1 | θειότητι Αὐτοκρατόρων, θεᾷ Ἀφροδείτῃ γενε[τείρᾳ,] |
συνκλήτῳ, δήμῳ Ῥωμαίων, πολείταις, εὐχαρισ[τῶν] | |
Μᾶρκος Ἰούλιος Ἄτταλος ἀπελεύθερος Καίσα[ρος.] |