Honorary inscription for (no name), sister of [L(ucius)
Cossonius Eggi]us [M]arul[lus], proconsul of Africa, supervised
by [F]urius Hesp[er]os, on statue-base; 2e/3b; found at Ephesos:
Knibbe, JÖAI 50, 1972-1975 Beibl. 35-36, no. 14 (PH); AnnEpig
1975, 789; SEG 26, 1254; *IEph 896.
[ ]
IEph 896
1 | [— ἀδελφι]δ̣ῆν |
[Λ(ουκίου) Κοσσωνίου Ἐγγί]ου | |
[Μ]αρύλ̣[λου τ]οῦ | |
ἀνθυ[πάτου Ἀφρι]κ̣ῆς, | |
5 | θεω[ρὸν τῶν Ὀ]λυμπ̣ίων· |
προν[οη]σαμ[έν]ου τῆς | |
ἀνασ̣[τ]ά̣σεως [Φο]υρίου | |
Ἑ̣σ̣π̣[έρ]ου φιλ[οσεβ]άστου̣. |