Epitaph of Sion, with a quotation from Psalm 131.13-14.  Rock-cut church of St. Theodoros; inscription in the central panel of a tripartite cartouche.
[ ] Capp. — Ürgüp — Pancarlık Kilise — 5th/6th c. AD — H. Rott, Denkmäler (1908) 205 — G. de Jerphanion, Les églises rupestres II (1936) 20, 128 — CArch 45 (1997) 33-35
1 ὅτι ἐξ-
το Κ(ύριο)ς τὴν
Σειών, ᾑρ-
5 ετίσατο
αὐτὴν εἰ-
ς κατοικεί-
αν ἑαυτῷ·
αὕτι [ἡ] κατά-
10 παυσίς μου
εἰς αἰῶνα
αἰῶνα αἰ-
ώνον. ☩
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