Dedication of a statue for the deified elder Matidia.  Marble base, broken at the upper and lower left corners.
[ ] Troas — Alexandreia Troas (Daylan, nr.) — aft. 119 AD — J.M. Cook, Troad (1973) 403, 25 — AnnÉp (1973) 515
See also:
1 [D]ivaẹ ∙ Mạtidiae
Aug(ustae) ∙ filiạẹ ∙ Divae ∙
Marcị[an]ạẹ Ạug(ustae) ∙ sọroriṣ
Divi ∙ N[e]ṛvae
5 Tṛạiaṇi ∙ Aug(usti) ∙
Geṛṃạnici, Dacici,
Pạrthic̣i ∙
 d(ecreto)  ∙  d(ecurionum).
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