Epitaph of Manius Salarius Apollonios.  Relief stele of gray marble, broken at the top.
[ ] Makedonia (Mygdonia) — Thessalonike — W. necropolis — ca. 50 BC-early 1st c. AD — Epigr. Thess. I (2006) 267, 1 — AnnÉp (2006) 1293 — SEG 56.758
above relief.1 Σ̣ε̣π̣τ̣ι̣μ̣ηνία ∙ Σα-
 λουία ∙ ζῇ.
below relief.3 Μάνιε ∙ Σαλάριε
5  χαῖρε. ∙ καὶ σύ γ],
   τίς ποτε εἶ.
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