Priest inscription.  Fragment of a marble block, probably from the temple of Zeus Panamaros; traces of another inscription at the top.
[ ] Caria — Panamara — Roman period — EA 41 (2008) 74, 2 — SEG 58.1230
1 [ἱ]ε̣ρεὺς  ἐξ ἐπα̣γελίας — — — — — —]
[?Ἀρτέμ]ωνος Κω(ραιεὺς) [— — — — —]
[ἐν τῇ] δὲ παρόδ̣[ῳ — — — — — — — —]
[συμφι]λοτει̣μο[υμένων αὐτῷ — — — —]
5 [— — Ἰ]ά̣σονος Κ(ωρα)ζ(έως) [καὶ — — —]
[?Σωσάνδ]ρ̣ου Ο[— — — — — — — — —]
[— — — — — — — — — — — — — —]
Traces at top.1 ΚΛ[— — — — — —]
    Κ[— — — — — —]
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