Honorific inscription for the emperor Antoninus Pius.  Base, broken at the top and on the right; now missing.
[ ] Kos Isl. — Isthmos (Kefalos) — reign of Ant. Pius — Paton-Hicks (1891) 415 — IGR IV 1106
See also:
1 ❦ Αὐτοκ[ράτορα Καίσαρα]
Τίτον Αἴλ̣[ιον Ἁδριανὸν]
Ἀντωνε̣[ῖνον Σεβαστὸν]
Ε̣ὐσεβῆ, ❦ [πατέρα πατρίδος],
5 [τ]ὸν ἑαυτ[ῶν εὐεργέτην],
[ἐ]πὶ ἄρχο[ντος — — — — —]
vacat τοῦ Χ[— — — — — —]
[τ]αμιεύ[οντος — — — — —]
[— — — — — — — — — —]
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