Honorific inscription.  Middle part of a base of white marble, preserved on the left; inscription in a recessed field; possibly to be associated with no. 1112.
[ ] Kos Isl. — Kos — 3rd c. AD — M. Segre, Iscr. di Cos (1993) EV 118
[— — — — — — — —]
Τ[— — — — — — —]
ΘΕΙ̣[— — — — — —]
ἐκ τῶν ἰδί[ων τοῖς ἐ]-
φήβοις ἐν τ[ῇ — — —]-
5 κῇ ἐξέδρᾳ, ἀρκ[εσθέν]-
τα μὲν τῇ διὰ τ[οῦ ψη]-
φίσματος τε[ιμῇ — —]
[— — — — — — — —]
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