Signature of the sculptor Diokles of Iasos.  Lower part of a base of gray limestone; later masons’ marks on the upper surface and molding.
[ ] Kos Isl. — Kos — ca. 150-100 BC — Horos 4 (1986) 89-98 — SEG 36.757 — M. Segre, Iscr. di Cos (1993) EV 76
See also:
1 [ vacat c. 0,25Δ]ι̣ο̣κλῆς v Μ̣ελανίππου v Ἰασεὺς v ἐπο[ίησε].
upper surface.left.1 Ε
right.1 Δ
molding.left.1 Γ
right.1 Δ.
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