Dedication to the synagogue of a laver in memory of Hermophilos.  Base of striated white marble with molding. Now missing.
[ ] Lydia — Philadelphia (Alaşehir) — Yeşilyurt-Deliler — 3rd/4th c. AD — Keil-v. Premerstein, 3. Reise (1914) 32, 42 — CIJ II (1952) 754 — IJO II (2004) 204, 49
1 [τ]ῇ ἁγιοτ[άτῃ]
  τῶν Ἑβραίων
5   ὁ θεοσεβὴς
  ὑπὲρ μνίας
  τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ
  τὸν μασκαύ-
10   λην ἀνέθη-
  κα ἅμα τῇ νύμ-
  φι μου Ἀθα-
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