Dedication to Zeus Megistos, the other gods of the city, and the demos.  Door lintel, broken at both ends.
[ ] Pisidia — Kocaaliler-Melli — Asar — Rom. Imp. period — AS 53 (2003) 150, 12
1 [Διὶ Μεγ]ίστῳ καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις πατρίοις [θεοῖς]
[καὶ τῷ δή]μῳ Νέων Οσαει καὶ Εἰη Θόαντο[ς εὐ]-
[σεβεῖς κ]α̣ὶ φιλοπάτριδες καὶ κατ’ ἐντολὰ̣[ς — —]
[— — — — — — —]Γ̣Ο̣ΝΗΣ  ἀνέθηκαν ❦
5 [— — — — — — — — —]σ̣α̣ν. vacat
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