Epitaphs of Nikias and others.  Cubical tombstone of blue marble, intact on the left and at the top; inscriptions in three hands.
[ ] Aeg. Islands — Samos Isl. — Samos (Pythagoreion) — 1st c. BC/1st c. AD
I.1 Νικίας Ἀριστ[— — —],
[Ν]ικίας Θευδώ̣[ρου],
[ἥρ]ωες χρηστ[οὶ χαίρετε].
II.4 Μαρωνὶς κ[αὶ — — — —],
5 ἡρποῗναι χρσταὶ χαίρετε].
III.6 Φιλάργυρ[ος — — — — —]
χ[αῖ]ρε· ΕΙ//[— — — — —]
․․[—]vestigia[— — —]
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