Epitaph of Ammia and Arete.  Stele of white marble, broken at the top.
[ ] Galatia, N. — Pessinous (Ballıhisar) — Karacaören — Rom. Imp. period — EA 11 (1988) 42, 9 — SEG 38.1291
Ἀκύλας Κοσ‵κ′ων-
ίου Ἀνμιᾳ τῇ ἑαυ-
τοῦ γυνεκὶ μνήμης
χάριν καὶ Γάϊος̣ τ-
5 ῇ ἰδίᾳ μητρ[ὶ Ἀ]-
ρήτῃ μνή[μη]-
ς χάριν. ❦
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