Epitaph of Gratine and her parents.  Plaque with molding.
[ ] Gallia Narbonensis — Massalia (Marseille) — 2nd c. AD — Marseille. Trames et paysages urbains (2001) 350, fig. 10 (ph. only) — BE (2004) 471 (J. Decourt)
   Γάϊος Ο̣[ὐ]είριο-
  ς Γρᾶτος καὶ
Παραμόνη Γράτο-
υ Γρατίνῃ τῇ ἑαυτῶν
εὐσεβεσ̣[τ]ά̣τῃ θυγα-
5 τρὶ καὶ ἑαυτοῖς μνήμ-
      ης χάριν.
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