Epitaph of C. Pompeius Atticianus.  Plaque of white marble, rubricated letters; damaged since the publications of 1898 and 1939.
[ ] Italia — Puteoli (Pozzuoli) — ca. 150-200 AD — AJA 2 (1898) 386, 33 — RAAN 19 (1939) 99-100 — Studi Stabiani 2 (2002) 40, 26
1            Θοῖς) Κ(αταχθονίοις)
Γ(άϊος) Πομπηίωι
    Ἀττικιανῷ υ̣ἱ̣ῶι̣
    ζήσαντι ἔτη ∙ ιη
5 Γ(άϊος) Πομπήιος Ἀττικιανός.
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