Painted labels on fragments of wall painting.  Frieze decorating a small room in the civic basilica of Herculaneum.
[ ] Italia — Herculaneum (Ercolano) — late 1st c. BC — MDAI(R) 97 (1990) 153-161 — SEG 40.823 — MEFRA 113 (2001) 913-923
See also:
I.frg. a.1 [Ἡρακλ]ῆς Βού[σιρις]
frg. b.1 [— — —]Γ̣ΑΙΟΥ {²⁷[— — —]Τ̣ΑΙΟΥ}²⁷
frg. c.1 [— — —]ρηος
frg. d.1 Εὑρυ̣[σθεύς]
frg. e.1 Κ̣ύκνο̣[ς]
frg. f.1 [— (?) —]ΩΝ̣[— — —]
frg. g.1 [— (?) —]Ο̣ΥΠΛ̣[— — —]
frg. h.1 [Ἡ]ρακλῆς {²= SEG 40.823, frg. 8}²
frg. l.1 Φόλος {²= SEG 40.823, frg. 1, below, a}²
II.frg. a.1 Λιβύ̣[η] {²= SEG 40.823, frg. 6}²
frg. b.1 [Ἡρακλ]ῆς
frg. c.1 Κ̣ΑΡΕ̣[— — —]
frg. d.1 [Ἴ]τωνος {²= SEG 40.823, frg. 3}²
frg. e.1 Ἐπίδαυρος
III.a, below left.1 Ἡ̣ρακλῆς {²= SEG 40.823, frg. 1, below, b}²
b, below left.1 Ἀράης {²= SEG 40.823, frg. 1, below, c}²
c, above right.1 Ὅμαδ[ος] {²= SEG 40.823, frg. 1, above, b}²
d, above right.1 Ἀλκυ[ονεύς] {²= SEG 40.823, frg. 1, above, a}²
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