Metrical dedication to Apollo Ptoios.  Base of blue marble, broken on the right and left; now lost. Epichoric alphabet.
[ ] Boiotia — Akraiphia — Ptoion: Sanct. of Apollo Ptoios (Perdikovrysi) — ca. 450 BC? — J. Ducat, Les Kouroi du Ptoion (1971) 418, 265 — ZPE 13 (1974) 264, 2
1 [– ⏔ – ⏔ – χ]ρυσάνι’ Ἄπολλο[ν ⏑ – –] /
[– ⏔ – ⏔ – ἔ]στασ’ Ἀνδρο[⏑ ⏑ – –].
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