Funerary epigram for Empedokrate.  Two joining fragments of a cornice of white marble belonging to a funerary monument, broken on the right.
[ ] Kos Isl. — Kos — late 6th c. BC — SEG 57.799
See also:
1 πατ̣έ̣ρ̣[α] προλιπο͂σα ․ΟΜ․․ΦΙΛ[— — —]
Ἐμπεδοκράτη κεῖμ[α]ι, νύμφ’ ὀλοο͂ Ἀΐδαο·
οἰκτρὰ παθο͂σα, φίλ] οἶσι πο͂ θάλ̣[— — —]
μάτερ, ἄταν ἐλέω, κ[ἢ]ν Ἀΐδαο δό[ματι — —]
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