Manumission record with consecration to Asklepios.  Stone block in the analemma of the western parodos of the theater.
[ ] Epeiros — Bouthrotos (Butrint) — after 163 BC — StudHist 3,2 (1966) 169, 23 — Actes du colloque 1972 sur l'esclavage (1974) 153, 23 — SEG 38.494
1 ἐπὶ ἱερέος Ἀλεξιμά-
χου, ἀφίεντι ἐλευθέραν
καὶ ἀνατίθεντι ἱερὰν το͂ι
Ἀσκλαπιο͂ι Φιλώτας, Δι-
5 [ογ]νης, Καλλικράτης, Ἀ-
λυπώ, Φιλώτας
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