Honorary/funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for [Luc]ius Cestius Dolon by Cestia Helena and L(ucius) Cestius Philostorgos; imperial; found at Bornova: CIG 3302; CIL III 416 and Supp. p. 1284; IGRR IV 1466; *ISmyrna 426.
[ ] ISmyrn 426
1 Cestia Helena
L(ucius) Cestius
[L(ucium)] Cestium
5 Dolonem.
Κεστία Ἑλένη,
[Λ(ούκιος)] Κέστιος Φιλόστορ<γ>ο[ς]
ούκ]ειον̣ Κέστιον
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