Fragments of architrave mentioning Heliades and other
mythological figures (?); no date; found at Belevi: Jordanides,
MDAI(A) 23, 1898, 165; Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 260, no. 3; Keil,
JÖAI 28, 1933 Beibl. 34-38; Keil, AAWW 86, 1949, 51-60; FiE VI
47-51 (PH); *IEph 3202.
[ ]
IEph 3202
A.1 | [—] Φα[έθων? —] |
B.1 | [—]φι̣[—] |
C.1 | Ἡλιάδες |
D.1 | [— Ζ]εύς? |