Inscription in Latin and Greek recording paving of road
using funds of Artemis; prob. 23/22 BC; found at Ephesos:
Miltner, JÖAI 45, 1960 Beibl. 42-49; AnnEpig 1966, 425; Führer
Selçuk 108-109 (PH); Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 24, note
68; *IEph 459.
[ ]
IEph 459
1 | [iud]icio Ca[esaris] |
Augusti ex rediti[bus] | |
agrorum sacrorum, | |
quos is Dianae de[dit] | |
5 | via strata Sex(to) Appul[eio] |
pro co(n)s(ule). | |
[τῆ]ι Καίσαρος τοῦ Σεβαστο[ῦ] | |
[κρίσει] ἐκ τῶν ἱερῶν προσό[δων,] | |
[ἃ]ς αὐτὸς τῇ θε[ᾷ] ἐχαρ[ίσατο,] | |
10 | ὁδὸς ἐστρώθη ἐπ’ ἀνθυπάτ[ου] |
Σέξτου Ἀπποληΐου. |