Dedication to Arte[mis Ephesia], Trajan, and [demos of Ephesos], by Marcus Iulius [ ... ]erianus on Baths of Varius, on architrave; AD 102/117; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JÖAI 50, 1972-1975 Beibl. 27-31, no. 1 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 786; SEG 26, 1271; *IEph 421.  
[ ] IEph 421
1 Ἀρτέ[μιδι Ἐφεσίᾳ καὶ Αὐ]τοκ[ράτ]ορι Νέ[ρουᾳ Τραιαν]ῷ Καίσ[αρι Σ]εβαστῷ Γ̣ρμ]ανικῷ Δακικῷ [καὶ τῷ νεωκόρῳ Ἐφεσίων δήμῳ] Μᾶρκος Ἰούλιος [․c.4․]εριανὸς συ[— γραμματ— το]ῦ δήμ[ου —] τ̣ρ̣ία ἐργαστή[ρια — ἀνέθηκεν]
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