Dedication to Amphiaraos of a statue in honor of [—]tos, son of Epigenes, of Andros.  Statue base of white marble.
[ ] Boiotia — Oropos (Skala) — Amphiareion — undated — IG VII 425 — Petrakos, Ho Oropos (1968) 161, 21 — SEG 25.494
1 [ὁ δῆ]μος Ὠ[ρωπ]ίω[ν]
[— — — —]τον Ἐπγέ]νου
Ἄ̣ν[δρι]ον ἀρετῆ[ς ἕ]νε[κα]
[κ]α[ὶ] εὐνοίας τῆς εἰς ἁτὸν
5          Ἀμφιαράωι.
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