Dedication of a stoa.  Four poros fragments belonging to the frieze of the stoa of the Amphiareion.
[ ] Boiotia — Oropos (Skala) — Amphiareion — ca. mid 4th c. BC — IG VII 495 — ArchEph (1892) 53, 82 — ArchEph (1925/26) 21, 137
frg. a.1 [— —]Θ[— —]
frg. b.1 [— —]ΟΙ[— —]
frg. c.1 [— —]ΠΟ[— —]
frg. d.1 [— —]Ν
frg. bd, Leonardos.1 [δεῖνα δεῖνος ὁποδαπὸς ἐπ]οίε]ν
frg. cd, Leonardos.1 [— — — ἐ]πό[ησε]ν
frg. d, Leonardos.1 [— — — — ἀνέθηκε]ν
frg. a-d, Coulton.1 [οἱ Θηβαῖ]οι [Ἀμφιαράωι ἀνέ]θ[ηκαν ἀ]πὸ [τῶν πολεμίων δεκάτα]ν.
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